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--no-subset-fonts from the Java interface

We're calling Prince from the Java interface and we're currently experiencing font issues with another software that's part of our pdf pipeline.

The problem seems to be that the problematic software requires embedded fonts to be fully embedded.
We tried not embedding the fonts with setEmbedFonts(false) but then we get wrong fonts entirely.

At the command line I found the switch --no-subset-fonts which seems to solve our problem.
It's kind of weird but setting the switch solved the problem with embedded fonts as well as the problem with not embedded fonts.

Is it possible to set --no-subset-fonts from the java interface?
Not currently, but it would be easy to add.
And now we have added it! If you download the new Java package on the accessories page you will find it has a new setSubsetFonts() method, and a couple of other methods we had forgotten to add. Thanks for the reminder. :D