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Auto-generated SVG images fail

Wow - sometimes it really helps to write your problem down.

I wrote the following - then found the solution in the end:

I'm generating a tabel with vertical headers.

If I create a static SVG-file, I can include it like this:

<img src="test.svg"/>

or like this:
<div class="test"></div>

   content: url(test.svg);

However, the report has dynamically header names, so I wish to generate these on the fly.

I created a PHP script that returns the proper SVG data and throws a SVG content type. This works perfectly in a browser.

When I run it through Prince, I get:

prince: /absolute/path/to/svg?text=test: warning: can't open input file: No such file or directory

So I tried to change the PHP-script to simulate a static SVG-file:

prince: /path/to/svg/test.svg: warning: can't open input file: Not a directory

I suddenly realised that Prince need Apache to run the PHP-script. Therefore the URLs should have a HTTP-path:

<img src="http://my.domain/svg/testing"/>

This works perfectly. :D
Great, glad it's working! :D