Forum Bugs

Extra page break (it seems) after H1 with named page

Steps to Reproduce

$ cat - > test.html
    @page foo { background: #FFFE98; }
    h1 { page: foo; }

<p>I love cheese.</p>
$ prince-7.1-macosx/lib/prince/bin/prince test.html 
$ open -a Preview test.pdf 


One page, highlighted background yellow.


Two pages, first highlighted background yellow with H1 on it, second with P on it.


Seriously? I can't attach PDFs?
This is the expected behaviour for named pages at this time. You can use an unnamed page, or put the paragraph following the heading in the named page as well, or apply the named page to a wrapper div element. (I've tweaked the forum admin settings, not sure why it was preventing PDF attachments).