Forum Bugs

Fonts, SVG and windows prince

The fonts in the SVG content is not being rendered correctly when using the windows prince.exe. I'm familiar with the fonts.css file, and I've ensured that the proper ttf file is used when rendering SVG fonts. However, I've found that windows prince.exe is not properly scaling the text in SVG graphics.

The same page, when rendered by the linux prince server behaves as expected. I've attached 2 images that demonstrate this problem.


You can observe that the fonts are not properly scaled in the windows version.

I've tried using versions 7.0, 7.1 and 8.0b1 with the same results. The linux version always works, and the windows server always fails.

Please advise, thanks.
  1. linux-rendering.png14.5 kB
    The rendering by princexml for linux.
  2. windows-rendering.png14.2 kB
    The rendering by princexml for windows.
This seems to be related to the font-size CSS property, which must take a unit (eg. "12px" or "12pt"), unlike the font-size SVG attribute which can be unitless (eg. "12"). In previous versions of Prince this distinction was not strictly enforced.