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Inhibit default stylesheets

Is it possible to inhibit the application of default stylesheets?
I'm processing docbook and am gettting some default behaviour (specifically chapter numbering) which I'd like to turn off, so as not to confuse me while developing custom CSS! I can rename the default docbook.css so it's not found by prince, but is this the best way?
I can rename the default docbook.css so it's not found by prince, but is this the best way?

At the moment renaming or commenting out the docbook.css file in the Prince installation is the only way to prevent the application of the default style sheet for DocBook.

DocBook does require a more nuanced approach to default style sheets than XHTML, so we will be making some changes in a future release of Prince. A good starting point would be to factor out the most fundamental style rules, for example those specifying which elements are block-level and which are inline, and place them in a separate style sheet. Then more advanced functions such as chapter numbering could be placed in separate style sheets that could be enabled or modified more easily to suit individual preferences.