Forum Bugs

left and right pages in latest alpha

The latest alpha seems to include the prince promotional page in the left and right page calculation (the latest stable does not)

When the result is viewed in acrobat reader with facing pages, at first glance this seems like a good thing, because the first page of my own document (being the second now) is rendered as left page.

However, my document, like I think most, starts with the first page on the right. Numbering ideeds starts on that page with page number 1. Odd numbered pages should be right pages in general.

Solutions are
- explicitely setting my first page as right page, with page-break-before: right (but I think this should be default)
- that said, maybe add this page-break-before: right to the first page in the prince default style sheet.
- add an option in prince whether or not to include the promotional page in the left and right calculation (and maybe in the page counting)
- add an option to add an extra white page after the promotional page
Thanks for that, we'll take a look at this for the next alpha release. :)