Forum How do I...?

Mail Merge

Our organisation does a regular mail out and I have just realised that our XHTML newsletter could be personalised if I could figure out how to do mail merge with XHTML.

The name and address and account details are in a database (of course) and the newsletter is in XHTML.

Is there a standardised way of creating a meta-document in xml to control a mail merge?

Is there any work being done on standardising Mail Merge Field Names and database bindings?

I could always make an extension to my database to to implement this kind of functionality but I would rather not "re-invent the wheel".

Thanks for any advice.

In looking at the W3 I checked out XQuery and it looked interesting. I downloaded Saxon XQuery commandline processor

XQuery is a useful way to do very flexible XHTML Mail merge

For example - for this list of recipients of a newsletter

		<recipient><group><name>Sydney Group</name>	</group><last>Stevens</last><first>William</first><address1>12 Line St, Gladesville NSW 2111</address1>
		<recipient><group><name>Sydney Group</name>	</group><last>Jones</last><first>Jane</first><address1>22 June Ave, Sutherland NSW 2483</address1>
		<recipient><group><name>Sydney Group</name>	</group><last>Payne</last><first>Homer</first><address1>22 June Ave, Sutherland NSW 2483</address1>
		<recipient><group><name>Canberra Group</name></group><last>Phillips</last><first>Robert</first><address1>12 Line St, Gladesville NSW 2111</address1>
		<recipient><group><name>Canberra Group</name></group><last>Lane</last><first>Jill</first><address1>22 June Ave, Sutherland NSW 2483</address1>

This Xquery

    let $a := doc("newsletter.xml")//group
    for $name in distinct-values($a/name)
    order by $name
		{ $name }
                for $r in doc("newsletter.xml")/newsletter/recipient,
			$first in $r/first
                where some $ra in $r/group
                satisfies ($ra/name = $name)
			Dear {fn:data($first)},
We are so glad to be writing to you today ....

Produces this output of merged output with a once per group div for a cover sheet!

      <div>Canberra Group</div>
			Dear Robert,
We are so glad to be writing to you today ....
			Dear Jill,
We are so glad to be writing to you today ....
      <div>Sydney Group</div>
			Dear William,
We are so glad to be writing to you today ....
			Dear Jane,
We are so glad to be writing to you today ....
			Dear Homer,
We are so glad to be writing to you today ....

With a little bit of imagination, we have a way of inserting merge fields
Dear {fn:data($first)},
into an xhtml document and generating a printable document!