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Select first element of each page

I've been having problems with automatically breaking tables with a <caption> element that follows each page. The problem is, that once a page break happens, I can't remove the top margin of the first div inside the table.

The structure looks something like this:
<table class="pdf-table">
  <caption style="prince-caption-page: first">
    <div class="breadcrumbs"><!-- stuff --></div>
  <caption style="prince-caption-page: following">
    <div class="breadcrumbs"><!-- stuff --></div>

      <div class="pdf-page-content">

.breadcrumbs { margin-bottom: 30px; }
.pdf-page-content > div { margin-top: 30px; }
.pdf-page-content > div:first-child { margin-top: 0; }

On the first page there is 30px margin between breadcrumbs and the first child div. But when the table breaks the :first-child selector doesn't match as hoped and the margin becomes 60px.

I can't add margin bottom to <caption> since it's a table element and ignores margin. Making it a block element breaks the continuing caption functionality.

So far I've been unable to select the first element of each page to remove the top margin of the first div. A working solution would be to change the margin-top to margin-bottom but since my current project has been in the works for 3 months I'm hesitant to do big changes to the base styles as the publish date is close.

Does anyone know if there's another solution to this problem?

Edited by jiia

How about adding padding-bottom to the caption?
Unfortunately that won't do since padding behaves very differently from margins. I believe I've already tried all possible CSS solutions, at least the ones I could come up with. I was just wondering if there was some Prince feature that would allow me to do something like this:

@page .pdf-page-content > div:first-child {
  // applied for each page
Unfortunately not, elements can't be selected based on their location on the page. :(
Unfortunately not, elements can't be selected based on their location on the page. :(

I can totally see how such a thing would make page-layout an almost infinite task, but what about a quick hack using visibility which doesn't change layout?

.name {
    visible: hidden;
    prince-first-of-type-on-page-visibility: visible;

Or any other solution that would allow you to override the visibility of the first instance of a class.

I feel this is a really killer feature, e.g. in printing transcripts or logs of conversations or even forum posts -- you would want the name to be repeated at the top of the next page.

Edited by sfinktah