Forum Bugs

Floating element into margin/bleed with DIV inside container

I've found a weird anomoly. The attached HTML file shows how I'm trying to bleed elements into the bottom of the page. This file is the problem stripped down to the minimum to demo the issue.

A first "SpacerAtTop" div takes up the top part of the page.

The "Outer" div gets floated to the bottom of the page beneath it. The "Middle" div sits inside it with a negative margin so that it bleeds into the margins and bleed of the page.

This works fine. However, there's a weird anomoly - if I then put a DIV inside the "Middle" div, it jumps to the next page. Spans are fine - and in this example it shows it's even fine if you use a DIV with display:inline;

So you'll see the example shown twice. Once is without the div set to display:inline, and once with it. You'll see in the first case it jumps to the next page, and in the second it doesn't. But you'll also see that the div doesn't change the size of the elements it is within.

Any idea how I can work around this?
  1. Iteration-1.pdf21.1 kB
    The resultant PDF file
  2. blanktestbleed.html1.0 kB
    The HTML file I am running through Princ