Forum Bugs

Table content truncated

We are upgrading a site which uses Prince to generate pdf.

Our old site on RH5 Linux was running prince 7.0-2
Our New site on RH7 running 11.3

PDF's appear to have table content (overflow) hidden whereas same html on old version did not hide content. Our end users are unable to use these new PDFs. How can I debug to find out why? The css is copied from the old machine to the new one. I am sure there is a small tweak I can make. The older versin of Prince does not seem to care about table width, it simply fits the content in a table.

Thanks in advance

  1. Provotrack-PDF.zip751.6 kB
    Sample output from sam input files
Hi Eric,

You can tweak this by adding table-layout:fixed to the rule for table#first, which should stop the content from overflowing.

Thank you Mark, I have added it to the style sheet. Upon quick test, good. I guess Prince has improved it's css support from V7 to current.
