Forum Bugs

unorderlist and images not rendering

we have a html where we are using li tag for list and images which are made with multiple div containing image tags genrated on basis of js file.
we are using trial version of Prince desktop tool / node package which is generating PDF without printing li tags and images .

please find attachment as images are present in folders but rendering of images are not present in PDF.

  1. c114985229.html5.5 kB
    html file
  2. c114985229.pdf57.1 kB
    Genrated PDF File
  3. content.css13.3 kB
  4. dl360_gen9_internal_preloader.png416.3 kB
  5. rm_dl360_gen9_front.js104.4 kB
    js file
  6. rm_dl360_gen9_front_load.js2.8 kB
    js file
  7. rm_dl360_gen9_internal_load.js2.9 kB
    js file
It appears to be trying to load public/dl360_gen9_internal_downlevel.png, but if I rename dl360_gen9_internal_preloader.png to this name then it works. Some JavaScript timeouts did not execute, perhaps because they are waiting on load events for images, which Prince currently does not fire.
thanks for replying.
Can you please let me know about about li tags which are not getting printed
That might take some time to track down as there is a lot of JavaScript and it is quite difficult to see why something does not happen; presumably it is waiting on a DOM event that Prince does not support, or it has triggered an exception but caught it.