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Need to disable embed fonts with profile 'PDF/A-1a'(PDF version 1.4)

I was trying to implement merging PDF with FPDI But its supports annotations only if input PDF version is 1.4.
I used the profile 'PDF/A-1a' to get output pdf from prince library with version 1.4,
But Size of PDF gets increased and embed fonts not getting disabled.
Thank you in advance..!
Is the problem that it does not support PDF 1.5?
FPDI does not support for annotations with PDF version 1.5.
I need annotations after merging PDF that's why I need PDF 1.4 as output from a prince with disabled embed fonts.

Edited by nvir

This seems like a bug in FPDI.
If I disabled embed fonts without setting any profile value then prince produce 25 kb PDF,
But If I set 'PDF/A-1a' as a PDFprofile value size of output pdf become 117 KB.
How to solve this issue?? I want pdf profile 'PDF/A-1a' with the output file size 25 kb.
You must embed fonts for PDF/A-1a.
Thank you mike.
Maybe I need to find a solution while merging pdf files.