Forum Bugs

header and footer dynamic content fails on certain condition


not exactly sure if this has been posted or not but

i've found that if i use some CSS like this...

@page {
        size: 6in 9in;
        image-resolution: 300dpi;
        margin: 40pt 30pt 40pt 30pt;

        @top {
                font-family: sans-serif;
                font-style: italic;
                content: string(doctitle);
                font-size: 10pt;


.entryTitle {
        string-set: doctitle content();
        display: none;

then the header being generated at the top will stay to only a fixed, it won't change as the content on each different page changes. but if i change "display: none;" to "visibility: hidden;" the dynamic header content works as expected

not sure if this is a bug or just me misunderstanding the flow of things
There are some issues with "display: none" elements and string-set, where the value may not be propogated on to subsequent content. Using the visibility property is one workaround, placing the content in an attribute rather than as element text is another.