Forum News

Prince 5.0-beta4 released

We have released the fourth and hopefully last beta version of Prince 5.0, including even more new features, improvements and bug fixes:

* Support for XML Inclusions (XInclude).
* Support for specifying page size in pixels.
* Support for specifying root element height as a percentage.
* Improvements to margin collapsing.
* Improvements to stacking order.
* Improvements to float positioning.
* Improvements to absolute positioning.
* Fixed bug affecting font scanning on MacOS X.
* Fixed bug affecting relative positioning and nested spans.
* Fixed bug affecting vertical margins on page floats.
* Fixed bug affecting min-height and max-height properties.
* Fixed bug affecting vertical-align on inline blocks.

As always, feedback, comments and suggestions are appreciated :D
Welcome, new beta. And farewell to more then dozen of recently reported and already fixed bugs!
New Prince rocks! Thank you very much :)