Forum News

Prince 6.0 rev 2 released

Today we have released Prince 6.0 rev 2, a maintenance release that includes new features, bug fixes and performance improvements. Customers using Prince 6.0 are encouraged to download this new version, which is available as a free upgrade.

* Revised margin collapsing at the top of first pages, for consistency with web browsers.

* Support for automatic scaling of wide web pages to fit the paper width, using a new property on @page rules, prince-shrink-to-fit: none | auto.

* Significantly improved performance, particularly noticeable for smaller documents.

* A new command-line option, --media, for specifying whether to apply print or screen style sheets.

* Many other bug fixes and improvements, as described in the release notes.

Thanks to everyone who has given us feedback on Prince 6.0! :D
