Forum Bugs

Ligatures not working with Requiem font

We're having trouble using ligatures with Hoefler's Requiem font

Attached is a small HTML test file and PDF. We don't get ligatures when using
font-variant: prince-opentype(liga, dlig);

If we input the Unicode ligatures directly in text (or via prince-text-replace), they are rendered in Times New Roman rather than Requiem.

I've looked at the font in FontLab, and at least the "fi" and "fl" ligatures seem to be in the correct place. The "ff" ligature, however, is at U+03A9, which should be Ω. Sigh...

Let me know if I can send you, ahem, other materials :)
  1. requiem.html0.3 kB
  2. requiem.pdf14.2 kB
Perhaps it's using the "rlig" feature? I would be surprised if it does not just work with the latest build, but if not please send me the font and I will investigate.
It turns out (thanks Mike!) that the font itself is missing the GSUB table. Perhaps something bad happened as the font wound its way through corporate font management software?