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Prince Server 'callback' function?

I am utilizing PrinceXML v 12.5 on a server by having my database execute a command-line function to instruct Prince to generate a PDF based off of an HTML file input.
Prince does this, and places the file back in the same directory correctly. However, my database appears to be attempting to access the PDF before Prince has completely finished rendering the contents of the file.

Is there any way to configure Prince to execute a sort of 'callback' function once it is finished with generating a PDF? If I could have Prince signal my database to grab the PDF and resume processing, that would fix my issue.
It's just a shell script, so you could make it invoke a database call afterwards.
My apologies, I'm fairly new to this, so please excuse me if I'm asking silly question -
Are you saying that the Prince execution is a shell script that I can edit, or are you referring to the command-line execution coming from my DB?
Both! If you have a way of signalling the database from the command-line then you could make it invoke a shell script that runs Prince and then runs the command to signal it.