Forum How do I...? specific pages?

I have a design challenge I thought the page property would help me meet, but it's not working out the way I expected.

In the class of documents I am aiming to create, most pages should bear a header with page numbers and other info. However, some pages should not: particularly, the first page of a "section" or "chapter".

I thought I should be able to create some general CSS rules for setting up the headers, then use an @page selector with a page name created with the page property to set up the exceptions, e.g.,
@page sectionstart { @top-left { content : normal } }

The problem is that the page selector exhibits some behavior that confounds me.

First, I tried applying the page property to the element that encloses each section (let's call it <section>). I was hoping that only the section's first page would be named, but unfortunately all the pages in the section got the name.

Next, I tried applying page to the first child of <section>. While the page-name assignment did occur, there was a surprising side effect: a page break occurred immediately after the element selected by the rule! I could not even undo the break with a page-break-after property set to avoid.

Is the forced page break a bug? an intentional feature? How can I select individual pages outside the constraints of @page:first, @page:left, and @page:right for header- and footer-setup rules without creating unwanted page breaks or other undesired effects?

(One solution that comes to mind is to contrive to make a separate PDF of each section/chapter and select the first page of each document with @page:first, then marry the PDFs together; however, this solution doesn't work well with our workflow. The ideal solution would entail creation of a single PDF.)
Never mind -- this question has been previously addressed.