Forum Bugs

Win98 Error

Is Prince Windows 98 SE compatible?

On two diferent installatios of Windows 98 I have the next error:

"exception in module KERNEL32.DLL of 0167:bff768al"

And no make any conversion.

Do you get this error when you run the Prince GUI, or does the GUI come up successfully and you get the error when you try to convert documents?

What version of Internet Explorer is installed on your Windows 98 system? Prince should run on Windows 98, but it may use some DLLs that are not installed by default.
the GUI work correctly, the error appears at the moment of conversion.

And the same error appears in command line conversion.

Both PC's have Internet Explorer 6.0.2600

I need install some other program for Prince work correctly?

That sounds fine, and in theory Prince should work on your system. However, lately we have not been doing much testing on Windows 98, as most people have moved on to Windows 2000, XP, or Vista. So it is possible that recent new features in Prince could be failing on Windows 98 in some way we do not expect. We will try and dig up a Windows 98 system and do some more testing.
Right, Prince does crash on Windows 98, apparently due to a library or linking problem, as it crashes immediately even when no command-line arguments are provided. However, the good news is that Prince runs perfectly on more recent versions of Windows, such as XP. Is there any chance that you will be upgrading your machines? :)
Thanks Mike but I can not change to other OS, the client have installed a billing System that work only in Windows 98.

I could solve the problem with another program with features similar to yours, ABC Amber Text Converter that work fine in win98.

I would have liked to use his program, but the incompatibility was unable to solve.

Thanks and Sorry.

That's a shame. If we manage to figure out the problem we will try to fix it in a future maintenance release. Good luck with your project!