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Server side includes

Is there any support in PrinceXML for include statements? I'm running PrinceXML on local HTML files with include statements such as:
<!--#include file="included.html" -->
No, Prince doesn't support Server-Side Includes, but it does support XInclude, which may be what you want if you're using XHTML.
One interesting note for anyone using PrinceXML for publishing books or manuscripts or white papers, etc. where your web pages have a footer or header or sidebar.

While not the intention of PrinceXML, because it ignores the HTML include statement (it interprets them as comments), I was able to put all the header and footer content, which I don't want published, into these include statements. When posted to the web, web servers/browsers show/see the pages as normal (with the footer and header). When Prince renders the pages, it ignores the sections (which I didn't want published anyway) and viol la, a perfect PDF!

Just thought you'd want to know.