Forum Bugs

Tables : Inter Cell Border

Sean McCully
We are currently using Prince in a production enviroment. We were recommended to use the following css declaration to ensure that the page is aligned properly in the pdf. As a result of said css declaration inter cell borders no longer show up in pdf.

CSS Declaration :
<style type="text/css">@page { prince-shrink-to-fit: auto }</style>
Sean McCully
The borders still exist, they just become very faint because of the shrink.

??Not a Bug??
Right, because the page content is being reduced in size, this includes the borders, which end up looking very faint if displayed on a screen in Acrobat, which uses anti-aliasing to try to give an indication of how thin they are. When printed out they should still look reasonable. One workaround for this is to increase the size of the borders relative to other page content.