Forum How do I...?

i'm really rusty with PHP, so...

can anyone show me examples of how to implement prince through php? i have uploaded prince to, i guess i need a second php file (runPrince.php) that calls on the functions inside prince.php

here's what i have inside the second php file:


$prince = new Prince('/prince');

$xmlPath = "";
$pdfPath = "/prince/output";

function convert_file($xmlPath, $pdfPath, &$msgs = array());

function setHttpUser(alyda);

function setHttpPassword(password);


Edited by alyda

$prince = new Prince('/prince');

$xmlPath = "";
$pdfPath = "/prince/output";


$prince->convert_file($xmlPath, $pdfPath);

Also, check that '/prince' is really the correct path to the Prince executable (try running it from the command-line).

If things aren't working, use $prince->setLog() to specify a log file for Prince to save any error or warning messages.
You can also convert html to pdf without using files:

include 'prince.php';

$prince = new Prince('/usr/local/bin/prince');

header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="hello_world.pdf"');

$html = "<html><body>Hello World!</body></html>";

echo $prince->convert_string_to_passthru($html);
i have a php file making a request through SOAP (and storing xml in a variable called $response, i think my code is correct but i probably need to wait to run this script until after php has actually completed the call. I'm not getting any error messages

here's my code though:

// command-line: prince -s style.css onlinetest.xml -o output/test.pdf
$prince = new Prince('prince');
$pdfPath = "output/".$emailadd.".pdf";
$cssPath = "style.css";

$prince->convert_string_to_file($response, $pdfPath, $msgs = array());
//$prince->convert_file($response, $msgs = array());


also, does it really matter if i use "convert_string_to_file" or "convert_file"? just curious...
You need to call setLog() before calling a convert method in order to receive log messages. Whether you use convert_string_to_file or convert_file depends on whether $response is a document (eg. "<html>...") or a filename (eg. "/foo/bar/mydoc.html").

One more thing: it might be better to specify the full path to the Prince binary, such as "/usr/local/bin/prince" or wherever it is installed, in case it is not in the $PATH.
ok, moved setLog() above convert method.

and i believe i have installed prince in the /httpdocs/prince/ folder;
when i tested prince from terminal this is what i've done:

ssh's password:

[root@jestercom]# cd /var/www/vhosts/

[root@jestercom prince]# prince

[root@jestercom prince]# -s style.css onlinetest.xml -o output/onlinetest.pdf

// file successfully created in /output folder
The reason I suggest using absolute paths (eg. /var/www/vhosts/, rather than just "prince") is because the $PATH environment variable may be set differently for your PHP scripts compared with when you are using the Terminal, resulting in PHP being unable to find the Prince executable.
ok, i logged in through Terminal and did this:

[root@jestercom prince]# which prince

so prince is installed in '/usr/bin/prince'

now my php is:


$prince = new Prince('/usr/bin/prince'); 

$xmlPath = ""; 


$prince->convert_file($xmlPath, $msgs = array()); 


the file is located here:

prince must be .php5 because of my server (trying to fix that, but anything with .php is php4.3.9, see and )

still getting nothing, the msgs array returns:

Array ( ) 

and this may be a stupid question but my logfile should have an extension of ".log" correct? ( what am i still doing wrong?
Specify an absolute path for the log file, and make sure that it's in a directory that your PHP script has permission to write to. For debugging, it might be easiest to specify something in /tmp, which should be writable. For example, "/tmp/prince.log". (The exact name of the file doesn't matter).