Forum Bugs

Wingdings font appears in generated PDFs

We have had a number of our customers report that occassionally when they generate PDFs out of our system (which uses Prince) the PDF is filled with Wingding characters. Regenerating the PDF fixes the problem. Has anyone else seen this?

On a related note, does anyone have a recommendation on a PDF validator that we could run our PDFs through to make sure they are compliant? Is there one that is approved/sanctioned by Adobe?


Prince should always produce the same output when given the same input, so we would be very concerned if it sometimes produced garbage and sometimes didn't. Is it possible that this only applies to some documents, perhaps containing text that is incorrectly encoded, eg. encoded using the default Windows encoding but claiming to be UTF-8? This can produce apparent garbage characters when accented text is used. If you can reproduce the problem, please send me ( a sample document so that we can track down what is going wrong.

For PDF validation, Adobe Acrobat offers various validation profiles, but it might be a bit clunky to use in an automated setting.