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Blind runs and resizing text to fit a box


We currently use PDFLib to create our PDFs but are looking at PrinceXML as its generally much easier/quicker to code with.

However... we have a variable length chunk of text that needs to fit into a certain sized box. We cannot increase the size of the box. Currently in PDFLib we use a 'blind' option when fitting the text into the text box and if the text doesn't fit then we go down a font size and repeat until the text is small enough to fit.

Does PrinceXML enable anything like this? Unfortunately without this feature we cannot move to PrinceXML. With it, we'll be jumping straight to it!

This seems like a reasonable request, but might be a bit tricky to do right now. May I ask, is the text more than one line? ie. does it only need to shrink horizontally, or vertically as well?