Forum Bugs

All text emboldened and italicised

prince http:// -o test.pdf
(added space because otherwise phpBB won't let me post)

When I look at the pdf, all the text is in bold and italics, but that's not (as far as I can tell) specified in my html or css. The page renders as expected in firefox and safari.

Any ideas?


Which platform are you running Prince on? The generated PDF looks okay to me.
OS X - 10.5.5, and I just downloaded prince a couple of days ago:

(/)~/Desktop$ prince --version
Prince 6.0 rev 7
Copyright 2002-2008 YesLogic Pty. Ltd.
Personal License
Thanks, we'll check this issue out. In the meantime, changing fonts might be a quick workaround.
Works fine for me on the same platform…
This is happening to me too, on my development environment: OS X 10.5.5, Intel. It works fine on my production system (Debian), but is really inconvenient for testing in development.

It's quite bizarre -- the text that is supposed to be non-italic and non-bold is displayed bold & italic; the text that is supposed to be bold & italic is displayed non-bold, non-italic, but only sometimes.


After further investigation:

If I remove "Verdana" from font-family in my stylesheet, it renders correctly. Verdana is installed on both machines, and the prince fonts.css is identical on both machines (and unaltered from the original prince installation).

Re-installing Microsoft Office (and its fonts) fixes the problem. Presumably when the OS X installer copied over my old configuration (from my old computer), it messed up the fonts somehow (though Verdana *was* installed, displaying fine on the screen, and showing the bold & italic variations correctly in Office, FontBook and the web browser).

Edited by drothlis


Edited by drothlis


Edited by drothlis

Right, we've seen this issue with Microsoft Office fonts before. We're planning to change the way Prince 7.0 handles fonts on MacOS X, which should hopefully solve this issue.