Forum Feature requests

page-break-after: left (or right)

I'd really like it if we could specify that an element could end on a specific side -- something like what the CSS3 Paged WD describes here would be great.

Related to that, could we also have the page styles of the element that forces a break get applied to the newly created, otherwise empty page (so that it has the correct headers and footers)?

You can specify "left" and "right" as values for the page-break-after property to control whether subsequent elements are placed on a left or right facing page. (It seems that the Prince documentation incorrectly stated that only the page-break-before property took these values, this was an oversight on our part).

Related to that, could we also have the page styles of the element that forces a break get applied to the newly created, otherwise empty page (so that it has the correct headers and footers)?

This would be handy, however ideally we would want to provide a method of specifying whether the page should keep the same style as the previous page or be left truly blank. Some kind of new page selector may be necessary to support this.
You can specify "left" and "right" as values for the page-break-after property to control whether subsequent elements are placed on a left or right facing page.

I had messed around with page-break-after a bit, but I wasn't getting the results I expected, so I figured it was unimplemented. However, I tried specifying the opposite side and it's working.

Looks like I was misunderstanding the Working Draft. I had thought that you told it what side was supposed to be last. Instead, the style sheet is saying to insert an extra page break if your last side is the one specified. My bad!

This would be handy, however ideally we would want to provide a method of specifying whether the page should keep the same style as the previous page or be left truly blank. Some kind of new page selector may be necessary to support this.

My original thought was to ask for some kind of pseudo-selector like

@page (page-class?) :blank {
...css properties

but I wasn't sure if that was too far outside of the spec.

We have added support for the :blank page class in the latest alpha version of Prince 6.0. It can be used to style the blank pages that may be added when page-break-before/after: left | right is used.
Thanks! I look forward to trying it out.