Forum Bugs

img in header

I'm trying to put a gif in the header, and doesn't seems to work.

key elements of my css are :
@page {
  size: A4;
	margin: 8mm;
    @top { content: flow(header) } 

#head {
    flow: static(header);

Now, if I have a
<div id="head">
test header

It does works most of the time : it doesn't work if the page starts with a box element

if the code is
<div id="head">
    <img src="logo.gif" alt="A Nice Picture"/>

then… nothing happends…

I can post the complete sources of my tests if needed.

by advance, thx.
It would be good if you could post the source of your test case, as I can't seem to reproduce the problem -- unless the page margin is too small to contain the image; perhaps try increasing the margin size?