Forum Feature requests

img floats

I really like the current suggestions for floating images.
I am creating a new schema for editing Scripture and in the process I am using Prince to see what I am missing. For <figure> I am adding the following attributes. Hope to see Prince support them soon. But definitely after bidi. Your roadmap is great to see. Praying for wisdom for you as you continue to develop your product.

The attribute "float" contains values of 'top'|'bottom'; 'inside'|'outside'|'left'|'right'; 'column'|'' .

The attribute "float-offset" pushes elements in the opposite direction of the positional keywords, both horizontally and vertically.

The attribute "width" is the figure width in grid line units: '1gr'|'1.5gr'|'2gr'|'2.5gr'|'3gr'. These mean 1 column, 1 column plus 1/2 of the column gap, 1 column plus all the column gap, 2 columns including the column gap. Or absolute widths can be given as <example>10pi</example>.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Just a reminder that being able to specify using grid units as mentioned in
would really be a help to me.

div img { float: top left column;
float-offset: 2gr;
width: 1gr }

What is needed to move the spec from draft? It has been there since Sep 2007.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

The Microsoft grid layout proposal is still being considered by the CSS working group, along with several other proposals for designing complex layouts. We are keeping an eye on these developments and will certainly pursue them when the time is right. :)